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468 lines
File: TimeObjects.h
Contains: International Time Interfaces.
Version: Technology: System 8
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
#ifndef __TIMEOBJECTS__
#define __TIMEOBJECTS__
#include <ConditionalMacros.h>
#ifndef __KERNEL__
#include <Kernel.h>
#include <LocaleObjects.h>
#ifndef __OSUTILS__
#include <OSUtils.h>
#ifndef __TEXTOBJECTS__
#include <TextObjects.h>
#ifndef __TIMING__
#include <Timing.h>
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma import on
#pragma options align=mac68k
++ ++
++ Type definitions for Modern APIs ++
++ ++
/* Precision of TimeObject */
typedef UInt8 TimeObjectPrecision;
enum {
kTONanosecondsPrecision = 0x00,
kTOMicrosecondsPrecision = 0x01,
kTOMillisecondsPrecision = 0x02,
kTOSecondsPrecision = 0x03,
kTOMinutesPrecision = 0x04,
kTOHoursPrecision = 0x05,
kTODaysPrecision = 0x06
/* Maximun Time Object Precision */
enum {
kTOMaxPrecision = kTODaysPrecision
typedef UInt32 TimeObjectNotificationRef;
struct MachineLocationRecord {
Fixed longitude;
Fixed latitude;
TimeObjectInterval daylightSavingsDelta;
TimeObjectInterval utcDelta;
typedef struct MachineLocationRecord MachineLocationRecord;
typedef MachineLocationRecord *MachineLocationRecordPtr;
typedef const MachineLocationRecord *ConstMachineLocationRecordPtr;
struct UTCTimeRecord {
UInt16 era; /* [0 = B.C.E., 1 = C.E. ]*/
UInt16 year; /* [0, 65535]*/
UInt16 month; /* [0,12]*/
UInt16 day; /* [0,32]*/
UInt16 hour; /* [0,23]*/
UInt16 minute; /* [0,60]*/
UInt16 seconds; /* [0,60]*/
UInt16 milliseconds; /* [0,1e3)*/
UInt32 microseconds; /* [0,1e6)*/
UInt32 nanoseconds; /* [0,1e9)*/
TimeObjectPrecision precision;
typedef struct UTCTimeRecord UTCTimeRecord;
typedef UTCTimeRecord *UTCTimeRecordPtr;
typedef const UTCTimeRecord *ConstUTCTimeRecordPtr;
struct UTCTimeIntervalRecord {
SInt32 day;
SInt32 hour;
SInt32 minute;
SInt32 seconds;
SInt32 milliseconds;
SInt32 microseconds;
SInt32 nanoseconds;
TimeObjectPrecision precision;
typedef struct UTCTimeIntervalRecord UTCTimeIntervalRecord;
typedef UTCTimeIntervalRecord *UTCTimeIntervalRecordPtr;
typedef const UTCTimeIntervalRecord *ConstUTCTimeIntervalRecordPtr;
typedef UInt32 TimeObjectConversionType;
enum {
kUseRomanNumbers = 0L,
kUseNativeNumbers = 1L
typedef LocaleObjectRef CalendarObjectRef;
typedef TextObject TimeObjectFormatString;
/* DateTimeFormat Types: */
typedef UInt32 FormatStringRef;
enum {
kPreferredDateTimeFormat = 0L,
kShortDateTimeFormat = 1L,
kLongDateTimeFormat = 2L,
kShortTimeFormat = 3L,
kLongTimeFormat = 4L
++ ++
++ Type definitions for Legacy APIs ++
++ ++
Here are the current routine names and the translations to the older forms.
Please use the newer forms in all new code and migrate the older names out of existing
code as maintainance permits.
New Name Old Name(s)
DateString IUDatePString IUDateString
LongDateString IULDateString
LongTimeString IULTimeString
StringToDate String2Date
TimeString IUTimeString IUTimePString
enum {
shortDate = 0,
longDate = 1,
abbrevDate = 2
typedef SInt8 DateForm;
enum {
/* StringToDate status values */
fatalDateTime = 0x8000, /* StringToDate and String2Time mask to a fatal error */
longDateFound = 1, /* StringToDate mask to long date found */
leftOverChars = 2, /* StringToDate & Time mask to warn of left over characters */
sepNotIntlSep = 4, /* StringToDate & Time mask to warn of non-standard separators */
fieldOrderNotIntl = 8, /* StringToDate & Time mask to warn of non-standard field order */
extraneousStrings = 16, /* StringToDate & Time mask to warn of unparsable strings in text */
tooManySeps = 32, /* StringToDate & Time mask to warn of too many separators */
sepNotConsistent = 64, /* StringToDate & Time mask to warn of inconsistent separators */
tokenErr = 0x8100, /* StringToDate & Time mask for 'tokenizer err encountered' */
cantReadUtilities = 0x8200,
dateTimeNotFound = 0x8400,
dateTimeInvalid = 0x8800
typedef short StringToDateStatus;
typedef short String2DateStatus;
struct DateCacheRecord {
short hidden[256]; /* only for temporary use */
typedef struct DateCacheRecord DateCacheRecord;
typedef DateCacheRecord *DateCachePtr;
++ ++
++ Modern API Definitions ++
++ ++
* TimeObject Constructors
extern OSStatus CreateTimeObject(TimeObjectPtr timeObject, ConstUTCTimeRecordPtr utcTime);
extern OSStatus CreateTimeObjectInterval(TimeObjectIntervalPtr timeObjectInterval, ConstUTCTimeIntervalRecordPtr utcTimeInterval);
* Getter and Setter Functions for TimeObjects
extern OSStatus GetCurrentTime(TimeObjectPtr timeObj);
extern OSStatus SetCurrentTime(ConstTimeObjectPtr timeObj);
* Getter and Setter Functions for Machine Location
extern OSStatus GetMachineLocation(MachineLocationRecordPtr machineLocation);
extern OSStatus SetMachineLocation(ConstMachineLocationRecordPtr machineLocation);
* Getter and Setter Functions for TimeObjects Precision
extern OSStatus GetTimeObjectPrecision(ConstTimeObjectPtr timeObj, TimeObjectPrecision *precision);
extern OSStatus SetTimeObjectPrecision(TimeObjectPtr timeObj, TimeObjectPrecision precision);
extern OSStatus GetTimeObjectIntervalPrecision(ConstTimeObjectIntervalPtr timeObj, TimeObjectPrecision *precision);
extern OSStatus SetTimeObjectIntervalPrecision(TimeObjectIntervalPtr timeObj, TimeObjectPrecision precision);
* Timers
extern OSStatus CreateTimeObjectNotifier(ConstTimeObjectPtr timeObject, KernelNotification *notifier, TimeObjectNotificationRef *notificationRef);
extern OSStatus CancelTimeObjectNotifier(TimeObjectNotificationRef notificationRef);
* Manipulation and Comparison functions for TimeObjects
extern OSStatus AddToFixedTimeObject(ConstTimeObjectPtr fixedTimeObj, ConstTimeObjectIntervalPtr offsetTimeObj, TimeObjectPtr result);
extern OSStatus AddTimeObjectIntervals(ConstTimeObjectIntervalPtr timeObj1, ConstTimeObjectIntervalPtr timeObj2, TimeObjectIntervalPtr result);
extern OSStatus SubtractFromFixedTimeObject(ConstTimeObjectPtr fixedTimeObj, ConstTimeObjectIntervalPtr offsetTimeObj, TimeObjectPtr result);
extern OSStatus SubtractTimeObjectIntervals(ConstTimeObjectIntervalPtr timeObj1, ConstTimeObjectIntervalPtr timeObj2, TimeObjectIntervalPtr result);
extern OSStatus SubtractFixedTimeObjects(ConstTimeObjectPtr timeObj1, ConstTimeObjectPtr timeObj2, TimeObjectIntervalPtr result);
extern OSStatus CompareFixedTimeObjects(ConstTimeObjectPtr timeObj1, ConstTimeObjectPtr timeObj2, ConstTimeObjectIntervalPtr precision, SInt32 *result);
extern OSStatus CompareTimeObjectIntervals(ConstTimeObjectIntervalPtr timeObj1, ConstTimeObjectIntervalPtr timeObj2, ConstTimeObjectIntervalPtr precision, SInt32 *result);
* TimeObjects to Seconds from 1/1/04 conversion functions
extern OSStatus ConvertSecondsToTimeObject(UInt32 seconds, TimeObjectPtr convertedTimeObj);
extern OSStatus ConvertTimeObjectToSeconds(ConstTimeObjectPtr timeObj, UInt32 *seconds);
extern OSStatus ConvertLongDateTimeToTimeObject(LongDateTime *longDateTime, TimeObjectPtr convertedTimeObj);
extern OSStatus ConvertTimeObjectToLongDateTime(ConstTimeObjectPtr timeObj, LongDateTime *longDateTime);
* TimeObjectIntervals to Nanosecond conversion functions
extern OSStatus ConvertTimeObjectIntervalToNanoseconds(ConstTimeObjectIntervalPtr source, Nanoseconds *result);
extern OSStatus ConvertNanosecondsToTimeObjectInterval(Nanoseconds *source, TimeObjectIntervalPtr result);
* Internet Time/Mail Conversion Routines
extern OSStatus ConvertTimeObjectToInternetMailTime(ConstTimeObjectPtr source, TextObject result);
extern OSStatus ConvertInternetMailTimeToTimeObject(TextObject source, TimeObjectPtr result);
extern OSStatus ConvertTimeObjectToInternetTime(ConstTimeObjectPtr source, UInt32 *result);
extern OSStatus ConvertInternetTimeToTimeObject(UInt32 internetTime, TimeObjectPtr result);
* Calendar Routines
extern OSStatus GetDefaultCalendar(LocaleRef theLocale, CalendarObjectRef *theCalendar);
extern OSStatus GetDefaultSystemCalendar(CalendarObjectRef *theCalendar);
* Text Conversion Routines
extern OSStatus ConvertTimeObjectToDateString(ConstTimeObjectPtr timeObj, CalendarObjectRef theCalendar, TextObject textObj, TimeObjectFormatString format, FormatStringRef formatSelector, TimeObjectConversionType conversionSelector);
extern OSStatus ConvertTimeObjectToTimeString(ConstTimeObjectIntervalPtr timeObjectInterval, CalendarObjectRef theCalendar, TextObject textObj, TimeObjectFormatString format, FormatStringRef formatSelector, TimeObjectConversionType conversionSelector);
extern OSStatus ConvertDateStringToTimeObject(TimeObjectPtr timeObj, CalendarObjectRef theCalendar, TextObject textObj, TimeObjectConversionType conversionSelector);
extern OSStatus ConvertTimeStringToTimeObject(TimeObjectIntervalPtr timeObjectInterval, CalendarObjectRef theCalendar, TextObject textObj, TimeObjectConversionType conversionSelector);
++ ++
++ Legacy API Definitions ++
++ ++
* The following functions are new names that work on 68k and PowerPC
extern pascal OSErr InitDateCache(DateCachePtr theCache)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8204, 0xFFF8, 0xA8B5);
extern pascal StringToDateStatus StringToDate(Ptr textPtr, long textLen, DateCachePtr theCache, long *lengthUsed, LongDateRec *dateTime)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8214, 0xFFF6, 0xA8B5);
extern pascal StringToDateStatus StringToTime(Ptr textPtr, long textLen, DateCachePtr theCache, long *lengthUsed, LongDateRec *dateTime)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8214, 0xFFF4, 0xA8B5);
extern pascal void IUDateString(long dateTime, DateForm longFlag, Str255 result)
extern pascal void IUTimeString(long dateTime, Boolean wantSeconds, Str255 result)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0002, 0xA9ED);
extern pascal void IUDatePString(long dateTime, DateForm longFlag, Str255 result, Handle intlHandle)
extern pascal void IUTimePString(long dateTime, Boolean wantSeconds, Str255 result, Handle intlHandle)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0010, 0xA9ED);
extern pascal void IULDateString(LongDateTime *dateTime, DateForm longFlag, Str255 result, Handle intlHandle)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0014, 0xA9ED);
extern pascal void IULTimeString(LongDateTime *dateTime, Boolean wantSeconds, Str255 result, Handle intlHandle)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0016, 0xA9ED);
* The following are macros which map new names to the names exported by InterfaceLib
#define DateString(dateTime, longFlag, result, intlHandle) \
IUDatePString( dateTime, longFlag, result, intlHandle)
#define TimeString(dateTime, wantSeconds, result, intlHandle) \
IUTimePString(dateTime, wantSeconds, result, intlHandle)
#define LongDateString(dateTime, longFlag, result, intlHandle) \
IULDateString(dateTime, longFlag, result, intlHandle)
#define LongTimeString(dateTime, wantSeconds, result, intlHandle) \
IULTimeString(dateTime, wantSeconds, result, intlHandle)
* The following are macros which map old names to the names exported by InterfaceLib
extern void iudatestring(long dateTime, DateForm longFlag, char *result);
extern void iudatepstring(long dateTime, DateForm longFlag, char *result, Handle intlHandle);
extern void iutimestring(long dateTime, Boolean wantSeconds, char *result);
extern void iutimepstring(long dateTime, Boolean wantSeconds, char *result, Handle intlHandle);
extern void iuldatestring(LongDateTime *dateTime, DateForm longFlag, char *result, Handle intlHandle);
extern void iultimestring(LongDateTime *dateTime, Boolean wantSeconds, char *result, Handle intlHandle);
#define String2Date(textPtr, textLen, theCache, lengthUsed, dateTime) \
StringToDate(textPtr, textLen, theCache, lengthUsed, dateTime)
#define String2Time(textPtr, textLen, theCache, lengthUsed, dateTime) \
StringToTime(textPtr, textLen, theCache, lengthUsed, dateTime)
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma import off
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __TIMEOBJECTS__ */